How to renew my subscription?

Paying your bill


Last Update 2 năm trước

STEP 1: Go to

If you are already logged in, skip to step 2.

Log in using your email and password. If your password isn't working, try typing password as the password. 

If that does not work, talk to a live agent and request for a new password. This can be changed after you log in, you do not need to do a "Reset Password" email.

STEP 2: Click "Sign-Up" and scroll down to the bottom. Click Buy Now on the 1-month subscription.

STEP 3: Fill in the payment billing information, credit card information, and read and agree to the website terms and conditions. Then click the PLACE ORDER button.

All done! Your purchase will be added to your account instantly. 

Click "My Account" to access your SOPlayer's Username and Password.

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